Course Description

In this free course by Aquila Education, you will learn how augmented and virtual reality are and can be used in the classroom.

Upon completion of the course and all assignments, participants will have the opportunity to receive a certificate of completion for $5.

New York State teachers can receive 6 hours of CTLE credit for $15.

The course consists of seven lessons.

  1. Overview of AR/VR
  2. Article on AR/VR in education
  3. Google Expeditions
  4. AR Apps
  5. VR Aps
  6. Article on VR Trends in Education
  7. Lesson Creation

Each lesson is followed by a discussion prompt in order to encourage the participants to share ideas and best practices on how to use AR and VR in the classroom.

In the final lesson, participants will need to create a lesson plan that incorporates AR or VR and share their lesson with the community on the discussion board.

Looking for a virtual reality/Google Expeditions kit? Visit

Online Courses

Aquila Education

Online courses, consulting and education technology resources for schools

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Pre Course Survey

    • Pre Course Survey

  • 2

    Lesson 1: AR/VR in Education

    • Intro to AR/VR - Video

    • Intro to AR/VR - Discussion

  • 3

    Lesson 2: AR/VR Article

    • Article: 5 Ways Virtual Reality Is Being Used in Education

    • AR/VR Article - Discussion

  • 4

    Lesson 4: AR Apps

    • AR Apps - Video

    • AR Apps Document

    • AR Apps - Discussion

  • 5

    Lesson 5: VR Apps

    • VR Apps - Video

    • VR Apps - Discussion

    • VR Apps - Document

  • 6

    Lesson 6: Article

    • 5 VR Trends to Watch in Education

    • VR Trends - Discussion

  • 7

    Lesson 7: Assignment

    • Lesson 7: Discussion

    • Lesson 7: Final Assignment

    • Lesson 7: Assignment Share

  • 8

    End of course

    • AR/VR In Education - Post Survey

    • Contact and Certificates