Course Description

Upon completion of this course, you will receive a signed certificate.

In order to receive the certificate, you will need to:

  • Respond to all lesson prompts
  • Respond to at least 2 others per module
  • Complete all assignments/artifacts

This course will focus on the multiple uses of Expeditions, Google Earth, Cultural Institute and YouTube and how teachers can incorporate them into their classroom in order to improve student learning and assessment in instruction. Each lesson will focus on a particular application, explaining how to use it, as well as specific examples on how it can be implemented in the classroom.

If you are interested in other Google Applications, please check out our full Google Tools for Education course,

Online Courses

Aquila Education

Online courses, consulting and education technology resources for schools

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Pre Course Survey

    • Pre Course Survey

  • 2

    Explore Virtually

    • YouTube

    • YouTube: Transcript

    • YouTube: Discussion

    • Google Earth and Expeditions

    • Google Earth and Expeditions: Transcript

    • Google Earth and Expeditions: Discussion

    • Google Cultural Institute

    • Google Cultural Institute: Transcript

    • Google Cultural Institute

    • Assignment

  • 3

    Post Course Survey

    • Course Survey

    • End of Course